Index of /leslie_kits edit / delete

Manuals for all the Leslie hookup kits, past and present. Most of these have schematics. This was invaluable when connecting my Hammond L-100 (circa 1965) and Leslie 2101 (circa 2005) -- Suzuki T/A Hammond do make a kit for that, and the schematic's here...

to audio electronics hammond leslie organ retrotech ... on 27 August 2016

Captain Foldback's Hammond and Leslie Page! edit / delete

Everything you could possibly want to know about Leslie speakers: pinouts, schematics, comprehensive model lists, etc. etc.

to audio electronics hammond leslie organ retrotech ... on 27 August 2016

The Hammond and Leslie Specialist Bryan Davenport - menu edit / delete

Hammond maintenance tips -- specifically on oiling.

to hammond mechanica oil organ ... on 27 August 2016

Modifying Hammond L100 - Home edit / delete

A nice collection of modifications for the L-100 series. I'm quite tempted to do the in-phase chorus mod on mine...

to audio chorus electronics hammond l100 mod organ ... on 27 August 2016

Tonewheel Tubeworks edit / delete

German Hammond technician. This has some interesting mods for the T-200 series, which are effectively transistorised versions of the L-100 -- e.g. adding a valve distortion unit based on Russian miniature valves. I also like his tonewheel level calibration software...

to audio distortion electronics hammond organ valve ... on 27 August 2016

A Revelatory Look into the Organ Registration of 'AWSoP' edit / delete

The drawbar/percussion settings for "A Whiter Shade of Pale".

to drawbar hammond music organ procol-harum ... on 29 June 2015

Hammond Tonewheel Organs edit / delete

Modifying a Hammond M-100 series spinet organ to behave more like a B-3.

to electronics hammond leslie organ retrotech tonewheel ... on 29 June 2015

HammondWiki - Home Page edit / delete

A very comprehensive wiki about playing and maintaining Hammond tonewheel organs. Useful reference even for those of us who're just playing a software simulation...

to electronics hammond instrument music organ retrotech tonewheel ... on 29 June 2015

Schematics - edit / delete

What it says. I'd love to do a FET clone of this.

to audio electronics hammond novachord synth ... on 19 June 2012

A-100 Service Manual edit / delete

Just what you need if, say, you want to build a Hammond organ in software...

to hammond music organ research retrotech ... on 07 April 2007

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