Satellite News - The official Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan site edit / delete

Via, the MST3K fan site with the good episode listing.

to amusements mst3k tv ... on 27 August 2016

Aaron's MAME Memories edit / delete

Some anecdotes on early MAME development.

to amusements emulation history mame ... on 19 March 2016

Calvin and Markov -- edit / delete

"Calvin and Markov digests Calvin and Hobbes strips and generates new comics using Markov chains, perl, and Imagemagick." Needs a bigger corpus but occasionally produces interesting stuff.

to amusements calvin-and-hobbes comics generation markov ... on 19 March 2016

Tax Protester FAQ edit / delete

"This FAQ is not complete, and will never be complete. As you are reading this, some crank with a defective grasp of law, history, economics, and the English language is developing a new reason why the income tax does not apply to him."

to amusements law ... on 03 March 2016

Ways to implement computer algebra compactly edit / delete

How to write a very, very small computer algebra system. From the author of "Derive", "muMath", "Calculus Demon" and other pioneering examples of fitting very complicated things into tiny spaces.

to algebra amusements cute-code maths retrocomputing ... on 01 March 2016

Bad Archaeology edit / delete

"We are a couple of real archaeologists ... fed up with the distorted view of the past that passes for knowledge in popular culture. We are unhappy that journalists with no knowledge of the methods, aims, techniques and theories of real archaeology can sell hundreds of times more books than real archaeologists. We do not appreciate news programmes that talk about ley lines as if they are real. In short, we are Angry Archaeologists."

to amusements archaeology history ... on 06 February 2016

Mike Agranoff - Home Page edit / delete

Folksinger. Writer of "The Ballad of Captain Crunch" and other fine narrative poetry.

to amusements folk music phreaking poetry ... on 26 January 2016 edit / delete

This is right on the edge between amusing security-related writing and outright trolling. Some good stuff here, though.

to amusements security ... on 22 January 2016

Theorem of the Day edit / delete

As it says. Some nice visualisations.

to amusements maths ... on 24 October 2015

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