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Foxhole radio - Bizarre Labs edit / delete
Building "crystal" radios without crystals.
to electronics radio retrotech ... on 07 September 2006
The Carl and Jerry stories from Popular Electronics, October 1954 through December 1964 edit / delete
to amusements electronics radio retrotech ... on 13 August 2006
Computer Laboratory - Relics Project - Virtual Exhibition edit / delete
Some Cambridge computing history stuff. This is the overview page; there are more detailed lists of artefacts there too.
to cambridge electronics history retrocomputing retrotech ... on 13 August 2006
Photographer to the Tsar: Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii - The Empire That Was Russia: The Prokudin-Gorskii PhotographicRecord Recreated (A Library of Congress Exhibition) edit / delete
Very early (and very impressive) colour photos from Russia.
to history photography retrotech ... on 13 August 2006
Recordings of phone systems from various countries (mostly 70s-era). Includes one from Andy Emmerson. The "Evan Doorbell" ones are excellent -- better-quality presentation than many radio programmes.
VOIP Front-End to Analog Switches edit / delete
Telephone equipment collectors building their own international network using Asterisk. Some interesting stuff in the mailing list archives.
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tasty by Adam Sampson.