MVT for APL edit / delete

Canned Hercules installation for people who want to play with APL. This would make a fun calculator application...

to apl emulation hercules ibm mvt retrocomputing ... on 21 June 2016

MVS/380 - 31-bit MVS - 25 years in the making edit / delete

The last public domain version of the MVS operating system only supported a 24-bit address space, which is a pain if you want to run modern software. This is a novel solution using Hercules: they've invented a new backwards-compatible 31-bit architecture ("S/380") which the older OS can easily be ported to! Very neat.

to emulation hercules ibm mainframe mvs retrocomputing s370 s380 ... on 26 July 2014

Jason edit / delete

Graphical frontend for Hercules. Fun!

to emulation hercules ibm retrocomputing software ... on 30 March 2013

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- hercules
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1 + mainframe
1 + mvs
1 + mvt
3 + retrocomputing
1 + s370
1 + s380
1 + software