LITCAVE edit / delete

Replacing a Unix userspace more-or-less from scratch, including a compiler, libc, and so on.

to c compiler minimal software unix ... on 22 February 2014

The Grand C++ Error Explosion Competition edit / delete

As the name suggests.

to amusements c++ compiler error ... on 27 January 2014

The Autocodes edit / delete

British programming languages of the early 1950s.

to autocode compiler history language-design retrocomputing ... on 15 December 2013

Csmith edit / delete

"Csmith is a tool that can generate random C programs that statically and dynamically conform to the C99 standard. It is useful for stress-testing compilers, static analyzers, and other tools that process C code."

to c c99 compiler fuzzing software testing ... on 12 November 2013

start [crosstool-NG] edit / delete

Build toolchains for various platforms automatically.

to compiler cross-compile software ... on 24 October 2013

pocl - Portable Computing Language edit / delete

LLVM-based OpenCL implementation.

to compiler gpgpu llvm opencl pocl ... on 29 July 2013

Cello • High Level Programming C edit / delete

Dynamic OO using the GNU C extensions. Neat -- if just for the interesting puzzle of figuring out how it's done without looking at the spoilers!

to c compiler gnu language-design oo ... on 20 July 2013

DICE C Compiler for the Amiga » Fun with virtualization edit / delete

Someone else who figured out that you could combine the runtime from Amiga Shopper's cut-down version of DICE with the executables from the shareware version to get a more-or-less complete compiler. I remember doing this in 1995... of course, it's all open source now!

to amiga c compiler dice retrocomputing ... on 29 May 2013

LLVM Project Blog: Status of the C++11 Migrator edit / delete

Tool for refactoring code to take advantage of C++11 features.

to c++11 compiler ... on 29 April 2013

gcc6809 - GNU C Compiler for the Motorola 6809 processor - Google Project Hosting edit / delete

GCC for the 6809. This shouldn't be terribly surprising given that GCC supports 8-bit-like models of the AVR; it'd be nice if it did more of these!

to 6809 8bit c compiler gcc ... on 26 April 2013

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