Teenager’s UX: Designing for Teens edit / delete

"Teens are (over)confident in their web abilities, but they perform worse than adults. Lower reading levels, impatience, and undeveloped research skills reduce teens’ task success and require simple, relatable sites."

to design ui usability web ... on 29 June 2020

New GIMP Save/Export plug-in: Saver (Shallow Thoughts) edit / delete

If people are making plugins to replace the Save dialogue in your application, that suggests your design was probably fundamentally broken to start with.

to design gimp ui ... on 10 December 2016

Rich User Experience, UX and Desktopization of War edit / delete

"Experience design prevents from thinking and valuing computers as computers, and interfaces as interfaces. It makes us helpless." I agree with the point the author is making here, although it's hard to find a single quotation that summarises it; the Tumblr screenshot is pretty much a perfect encapsulation of what I dislike about the "UX" approach. (I also find the picture of the drone control workstations particularly upsetting, because the GNOME desktop in the top right is running a bit of software I've contributed to in the past. I don't like tools I've built being used to kill people.)

to design ui web ... on 19 January 2015

Kit FUI - Noteloop edit / delete

Database of fictional user interfaces.

to design ui ... on 14 December 2013

Contemporary Home Computing edit / delete

I largely agree with the "Turing-complete user" article, which argues that thinking in terms of the user (rather than a "user experience", or similar) is sensible in the context of general-purpose tools.

to design philosophy ui unix ... on 28 November 2012

aerosuidae.net : goomwwm : index edit / delete

A keyboard-driven stacking WM. It works pretty well, but not quite well enough to make me give up a proper stacking WM; on the other hand, there are definitely some good interface ideas here that I've stolen for my FVWM configuration...

to software ui window-manager wm x11 ... on 25 November 2012

rubykat/FvwmPiazza edit / delete

Tiling module for fvwm.

to fvwm tiling ui wm ... on 24 May 2012

Programming and Computation edit / delete

The collaborative compiler, and various other neat ideas.

to compilation cs research ui ... on 08 April 2012

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