Diablo III Economy Broken by an Integer Overflow Bug - minimaxir | Max Woolf's Internet Blog Thingy edit / delete

Or: why not to store money values -- even fake ones -- in integers.

to ag0700 bugs integer overflow ... on 10 May 2013

Pokemon Yellow Total Control Hack edit / delete

Detailed explanation of the previous video (arbitrary code execution via Pokemon Yellow).

to amusements arm buffer gameboy games overflow security ... on 11 February 2013

TASVideos submissions: #3767: bortreb's GBC Pokémon Yellow "Executes Arbitrary Code" in 12:51.87 edit / delete

How to exploit a buffer overflow -- in a Gameboy Color game. (Warning: may be a bit tedious to do by hand!)

to amusements arm buffer gameboy games overflow security ... on 11 February 2013

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Tags related to overflow

- overflow
1 + ag0700
2 + amusements
2 + arm
2 + buffer
1 + bugs
2 + gameboy
2 + games
1 + integer
2 + security