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Interesting collection of early US broadcast receivers -- more radios should be 9 feet long! (Also a good source of manufacturer names for me to use; his collection includes Sampson and Samson radios...)
His collection includes some interesting old receivers (particularly the 70s early digital ones).
to electronics radio retrotech ... on 26 July 2011
Lots of old radios. Includes two modified HROs, one in a fetching shade of blue.
Restoration of Valve Communications Receivers edit / delete
Really good overview.
to electronics radio retrotech valve ... on 25 June 2011
Handy HRO links, including how to date them (although I'm not entirely convinced that the various sites agree on this).
to electronics hro radio retrotech ... on 25 June 2011
HRO Sr. Restoration edit / delete
W1UJR rebuilds an HRO Senior (which looks very like the other one he did, fortunately).
to electronics hro radio retrotech ... on 25 June 2011
HRO 5 Restoration edit / delete
Neat rebuild of a 5TA1. Good shots of the underside layout; his was only lightly modified and he's rebuilt it along the original lines.
to electronics hro radio retrotech ... on 25 June 2011
Various radio restorations, including an *extremely* ratty HRO-5. This has a good shot of what the front panel's meant to look like on an unmodified HRO-5.
to electronics hro radio retrotech ... on 25 June 2011
HRO Dial Remove/Adjust edit / delete
Removing and refitting the HRO dial.
to electronics hro radio retrotech ... on 25 June 2011
Maplin Valve Articles edit / delete
A decent overview of valve electronics, originally from the Maplin magazine.
to electronics etext retrotech valve ... on 25 June 2011
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tasty by Adam Sampson.