Mikey's Old Technology Page edit / delete

TV and radio collection. Notable for the large collection of early(ish) UK colour TVs, most in working order and showing good pictures.

to colour electronics radio retrotech tv ... on 25 March 2021

Dr. Hugo Holden's Electronics page edit / delete

"This website is dedicated to interesting and unusual electronics engineering projects in the field of radio receivers, transmitters, television and general electronics." Undersells itself quite a bit! There are some very detailed and well-written articles here about radio and TV restoration, and a few on test equiment and the Sol-20 computer.

to electronics radio retrocomputing retrotech sol-20 test-equipment tv ... on 25 March 2021

BATC Wiki edit / delete

to amateur nbtv radio tv video ... on 29 June 2020

SV3ORA website edit / delete

Huge collection of QRP radio projects, and a few bits of retrocomputing (e.g. ZX80, Jupiter Ace and IBM XT clones).

to ace antenna electronics pc qrp radio receiver retrocomputing vectrex zx80 ... on 29 June 2020

Radio Netherlands Receiver Shopping List edit / delete

Via the Internet Archive. This varied a bit over time.

to electronics hf radio receiver review ... on 10 November 2019

Re-purposing Vaisala RS92 Radiosondes as L-Band Active Antennae | RF Head – HAB & Ham Radio Experimentation edit / delete

I've got one of these sitting around somewhere (which Carl found on the UKC campus).

to antenna electronics lband radio radiosonde reverse-engineering ... on 30 December 2017

uBITX -A compact HF transceiver edit / delete

Applying the BITX philosophy (good performance out of absurdly cheap parts) to a multiband SSB radio. The trick here is using an Si oscillator chip that can provide three separate outputs -- so you can do things like switching sidebands by tweaking one oscillator either side of the final filter frequency. Very neat!

to arduino bitx electronics ham radio receiver ssb ... on 10 December 2017

From the Trenches | Ideas | CBC Radio edit / delete

"PhD students spend years hunting for answers to the world's unanswered questions. They usually toil away in obscurity.... until now! Producers Tom Howell and Nicola Luksic shine a light on these emerging thinkers and their work." What a great idea for a radio programme!

to cbc phd radio research ... on 06 April 2017

ZR6AIC: Creating a 2m Fm Repeater with a Raspberry Pi (B) and a RTL dongle. edit / delete

As it says. They have a hat board with a 2m filter on; it could really use an amplifier too, I suspect.

to 2m fm radio raspberry-pi repeater sdr ... on 26 February 2017

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